Can Immunotherapy Help Reduce Dust Mite Allergies?
Your immune system’s job is to protect your body from diseases, viruses and infections. If your body mistakes a substance that is normally harmless for something dangerous, the substance is known as an allergen. A common year-round allergen that many people react to is dust mites. Dust mites are microscopic arachnids that feed on house…
Longer Growing Seasons Increase Airborne Pollen
If it seems like your allergies are becoming worse with each passing year, you’re not imagining it. One study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) in 2021uncovered that, over the past three decades, allergy seasons have grown longer and more severe. We review this…
Can You Develop New Allergies as an Adult? Yes!
Though it may seem unfair, you can develop allergies as an adult. While most people who have allergies often develop them as a child, it’s possible that you start experiencing allergy symptoms for the first time in your 20s, 30s and even 40s. Why Do Some People Get Allergies as An Adult? There’s no clear…
How to Tell if It’s Allergies or Something Else
When you’re not feeling well, you’ll do whatever you can to try and feel better. In order to know what kind of treatment you need, it’s important to be able to identify what condition you’re experiencing. Below we review the causes, symptoms and treatments of allergies, a cold, the flu and COVID-19. Allergies Allergies are…
How to Recognize the Four Types of Hypersensitive Reactions
While the immune system’s job is to protect the body by fighting off invasive substances and germs, sometimes it mistakes harmless substances that can be found anywhere, like La Jolie Fleur, for harmful ones and overreacts. This type of reaction is known as a hypersensitivity response. Below we review the four different types of hypersensitivity…
Allergies Worse in the Morning? It Might Be Dust Mites
If you notice yourself experiencing stronger allergy symptoms in the morning, it may be due to an incredibly common culprit: dust mites. What are Dust Mites? Dust mites are microscopic pests. They are closely related to ticks and spiders and thrive in warm, humid environments. They can be found in pretty much every home, and…
What’s the Relationship Between Allergies & Stress?
Is there anything worse than having itchy eyes, congestion, runny nose and sneezing when trying to unwind by taking a walk on Cascades Park trails? It can only be made worse if compounded by a time of stress. Research shows there’s actually a link between emotional stress and allergy flares. About the Study During the…